Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Scheduling Nothingness

It seems like February has been spent running around non-stop.  We have an extra weekly activity.  I've  been working on a Valentine's Day gift for the girls involving the sewing machine.  I've had appointments and meetings during my 2.5 hours of weekly me time.  I'm tired.

Today, I finally scheduled some nothingness.  I literally assigned 3 hours to "Nothing" in my calendar.  It shows I am busy and I am going to try very hard not do anything during that time.  I don't feel like the girls have too many activities.  The one day we are booked solid is mostly playing.  I just need a breather.

Do you have to schedule down time into your calendar?  Are you diligent about finding free time to recover from your life or are you happy always on the go?

I had more free time before kids, of course.  I don't think I really felt things HAD to be done before taking on 2 little people's lives and stuff.  Now, I feel like there is always something that needs to be done.  If I am home, I clean something. If I am out, I run an errand (usually grocery.)  I try to lunch with DH on my few free hours.

I think I need to remember what nothingness feels like.

x:00 - x:00
Show as busy.

I hope next week I will be able to tell you I used it especially for nothingness.

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