Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Wants

I want this.  I want that.  I don't want that anymore, but I really want this.

Were your holiday's filled with children who couldn't make up their minds?  I finished my holiday shopping before December even started.  It's what I do.  I don't like the end of the year being a burden on the pocketbook.

We have a rule.  October 1st begins "Don't buy anything for yourself" days.  Anything hinted at or looked at longingly beginning on this day is fair game for gift giving.  Dear HUsband screwed up this year about bought something he though was innocuous but I had bought him a better version for his early december birthday.  I made a big deal out of it for 2 reasons.  First, no fair ruining my present idea.  Second, it is a rule for a reason.

A few days later I bought a 4 loaf baking pan for myself.  Apparently the girls paid too much attention because the next week they wanted to spend their money on something they just couldn't live without.  Luckily for me it was not something already purchased and waiting to be given.  So, they also got to break the rule.

Next year:  The Rule is The Rule for a reason.

During this time of marketing nightmares, our children learn the wrong lesson.  I am trying to decrease the "I want" lesson and focus on the "what can I give to someone else" lesson.  It probably did not help that this year they shopped for each other and dad via the computer.

Don't worry, I learned my lesson.  Next year, I will brave the Christmas decorations out in October and Christmas songs blaring through the store speakers in November to try to teach my children that Honoring our Ancestors comes first, then Thankful for our Blessing, and finally Generousity toward our Neighbors.

At no point in our holidays is I must have this because the marketing campaigns said I need it.  Easier said than done, but one day when I teach the real meaning of Christmas and the Santa torch is put away, I will have the Christmas I want.

1 comment:

Nicole Ward said...

We have the same rule! And this year was so hard to enforce. Fighting with one kid especially who had the funds and just would not let it go. But yesterday he was pleased to see he got it as a gift. We have the rule for a reason! :)