Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No more three year old!

Sugar is 4! I no longer have any terrible threes in my house and I don't think I could be any happier.  Babies are okay, but I like little girls better.  Little girls who hug me for no reason.  Little girls who get my attention only to say, "I love you, mommy."  Little girls who try to french kiss me every once in a while and cause me to laugh hysterically as I dodge the wet kiss.

Sugar was queen for her day and picked her breakfast and too cookies to school and then picked where we would have dinner.  (Pizza buffet.)  She got a balloon that was just her size.  Seriously, head to toe.  She had a blast.

My favorite part was when she tried to put on a newborn onsie that her great grands had bought for a baby doll.  I was laughing pretty hard but I managed to get it all on video.  Ah, technology, how did we save the laughs without you?

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